Thursday, November 6, 2014

PULANG ['chez moi']

A Collaborative Performance with Pandu Hidayat (sound art)

"Paris as Viewed from Jakarta"

poem reading with sound art | a collaboration: sound & performance art | by Atieq SS Listyowati (performance art) & Pandu Hidayat (sound-art)

[karya ini merupakan interpretasi terhadap peristiwa politik yang pernah terjadi di Indonesia, khususnya Jakarta yang menyebabkan 'hilangnya' beberapa 'orang terduga' terlibat dalam kasus ideologi tertentu sehingga beberapa nama masuk dalam daftar hitam pemerintah RI pada waktu itu dan banyak di antaranya kemudian terpaksa 'hengkang' dari tanah air dan menetap di beberapa negara di benua lain, antara lain berdiam di Paris (ibukota Perancis) selama puluhan tahun. Hingga kini belum pernah melalui jenjang peradilan yang secara jelas membuktikan 'keterdugaan' dan 'keterlibatan' mereka hingga harus mengalami perbedaan sikap sosial karena dianggap 'berbahaya', mereka pun mendapatkan sebutan sebagai kaum 'exile']


ketika jarak antara paris – jakarta tak lagi maya

meski tetap di sejuta tahun cahaya

dalam lesatan kilasan sejarah berdarah jakarta

melontarkan anak-anak negeri di jamrud hijau khatulistiwa

ke dalam timbunan dingin salju putih 

merintih meradang menggelepar 

merangkaki bebatuan jalanan kota paris

terkapar meringkuk bersimpuh di kaki menara eiffel

jauh merasuk di antara bulir-bulir kristal es membeku

mencoba memahami, menerjemahkan makna diri & segala arti

di antara dentuman irama detak jantung, 

berpacu di tiap helaan nafas memburu…

membilur biru… atas nama cinta pribumi

sukma pun menggigil dalam kilatan kerlap-kerlip sinar kota

dari ujung kerling emas berbinar di puncak monas 

sejuta tahun cahaya melesat dalam warna-warni pelangi 

melukiskan kisah anak-anak negeri

dalam kilauan sorotan sinar menyala di seputar sungai seine 

& pantulan mentari pagi di kubah montmatre
ke sepanjang jalanan menuju champ de elyses

oh, … percikan kilatan asa ada di situ

bon jour

tetaplah hidup!!!


when the distance between paris - jakarta is no longer virtual

though still in a million light years

in dashed glimpses bloody history of jakarta

catapult children in emerald green country equator

into a pile of snow white cold

moaning inflamed flounder

crawl on the rocks of the streets in paris

lying curled up kneeling at the foot of la tour eiffel,

far penetrated in between grains of ice crystals freeze

trying to understand, interpret the meaning of self and all meaning

between pounding rhythm of the heartbeat,

raced in every sigh hunt ...

 welting blue... in the name of love native

soul was shivering in a flash of light flickering town

from the end of the gleaming gold sparkle at the top of monas

million light years racing in the colors of the rainbow

depicts the story of the children of nation

the beam radiance lit around the river seine

and the reflection of the morning sun in the dome montmatre

along the roads leading to the champ de elyses

oh, ... spark flashes up there

bon jour !

still alive!!!

Technology has always been an integral part of many artists to respond to it. This performance is inspired by Atsuko Tanaka's performance (Gutai Group-Japan in 1960th). Expression critical of the creation of more technology to the expansion of the interpretation, especially in social-political situation. This interpretation is evolving to include the technology itself is framed in the decoding process. The light that travels into the digital data to a computer and then out in the form of a new voice through the transformation of electronic technology.


LIGHT is a plank in the history of time travel that is ready to sing the SOUND of the past existence of contemporary life to come. When documentation becomes an important role as artifacts of life, the history of archives and manuscript discovery in matters of days is a blue print of us who breathe in the middle of relativity to the lives of tomorrow and beyond.


None apart from the portraits of the past, so we move forward darted like light and sound that illuminates and fills every niche of silence in our hearts.