Tuesday, November 29, 2016

‘A.S.A.P [as soon as possible]!!!

a performance art 

University of State of Jakarta [UNJ] - Faculty of Art 

‘Pancaroba’ a performance art festival by RewindArt #14

November 19th

-- Pancaroba adalah penyebab kabut asap?? --

Ketika manusia memiliki ketegaan yang 'luar biasa' terhadap sesama dan alamnya, kehidupan pun akhirnya akan musnah.

 Atieq S S Listyowati's photo.Atieq S S Listyowati's photo.Atieq S S Listyowati's photo.Atieq S S Listyowati's photo.


· ‘A.S.A.P [as soon as possible]!!!’ ·

a performance art 
‘Djamoe#5 Seni Eduhai’ 
a festival of art 
University of Education of Indonesia - Bandung

October 24th 

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